About Us
Lodmann Logistics, is a multinational co-founders company, with a wealth of more than 20 years’ experience in International freight and logistics , We started as a small company that has grown considerably , now we are opening our owning and operating offices and warehouses in major ports and airports across Europe, Asia, MEDA and USA

Lodmann Logistics offers its customers a comprehensive portfolio of services in all logistics respects: from contracting for specialized transport solutions to organizing and implementing the complete transport chain. With its international network of offices, partners and membership in numerous international logistics associations, Lodmann Logistics can identify and implement optimal solutions for its customers worldwide.
At Lodmann Logistics, we believe that providing excellent service is the most important thing. That is why many of our customers regard us as an ideal logistics partner. We continue to develop and improve our service to better meet your needs.
Our Vision
Our mission is to provide reliable, timely, and integrated logistics services, information with customized solutions in transportation, distribution, storage, and customs and excel in always maintaining the integrity of goods and consistently delivering excellent customer service.
Our Mission
Our business is based on the principle of blending logistics and customer service. Our vision is to exceed customer expectations by providing innovative logistics solutions constantly. Being a service company, our values are based on being the best freight forwarder for our customers.